How do Blizzards form?

A blizzard starts when are two different air masses that have different temperatures. When they both collide into each other it is cold air to warm air, this is also called a front. When the cold air advances and goes through the warm air it is a cold front.

When the warm air goes through the cold air it is called a warm front. When both of them are stuck and wont move it is called a stationary front. These cause a lot of different types of storms when it is stationary.

The way this creates a blizzard is when the cold air goes under the warm air and the warm air rises. This will make it really cold on the ground and warmer in the air. Another thing that is needed to cause a blizzard is it to be really moist out. When these are in one combination there are chances of having a blizzard.


  1. yeet skeet lets get this wheat

  2. Blizzards can be cool when your inside!

  3. This is c00l imformation!!!!

  4. I like moist chocolate cake with navy blue vanilla flavored frosting, AND it has to have red,orange,yellow leafs on the made out of fondont, also watch the show Nailed It PEEPS!!!!!!

  5. i like ice cream cake,oreo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. how does ice cream cake have anything to do with blizzards?

  7. nobody knows
    anyway i still don''t completly know how a blizzard forms

  8. this comment section is a disaster and it's an 100% anonymous disaster. anyway, invest in schlattcoin
